Office Relocation Checklist: Relocating your company is a big endeavour and it takes a substantial team effort to prepare, plan, and execute a companywide move. Regardless of where your new location is and how far it is from your existing office, you’re going to need all of the help you can get to make sure everything goes off without a hitch. After all, the goal is to carry the move out with as little disruption to your business as possible. In that case, you might want to consider looking into office space for rent in Ottawa or Mississauga to help make the transition a little easier without completely having to shut down your business in the process.

How to Prepare for an Office Relocation
Preparation is key when it comes to planning and executing a successful office relocation. The last thing you want to happen is to have everyone scrambling around on moving day trying to figure out what’s going on, where they’re supposed to be, and what their roles are during the move. All of these details need to be ironed out months before the move is scheduled to take place so that you can stay organized and on track on moving day.
Here are a few important tips to help make your office relocation a little easier.
Finalize the Lease
Before you can even dream of telling your employees and colleagues that the company is relocating to a new location, you need to finalize the lease at your new office space. Make sure all the important documentation is aptly filled out and signed so that you can focus on tying up all the loose ends.
Rent a Temporary Office Space
Depending on the size and nature of your business along with your moving timeline (which we’ll get to shortly), it might make a lot of sense for you to look into office space rentals in Mississauga or Ottawa as you navigate through the moving process. That way, your company and employees won’t be displaced if your closing dates don’t coincide between your previous and new location and you can continue business as usual without having to worry about disruptions or delays.
Make a Comprehensive To-Do List
The items on your to-do list will differ depending on the type and size of your business but be sure to make it as comprehensive as possible from the beginning. Bear in mind that you don’t have to think of everything all at once and you can revise the list as you go along.
Whether you prefer handwritten lists or digital documents, the point is that seeing all of the tasks you need to complete compiled in a neat and tidy list can help you stay organized throughout the moving process. If you do go the digital route with your list, be sure to share it with your employees. With this method, you can easily create an Excel or Word document and share it on Google Drive or Dropbox™ so that all of your employees can access it and make necessary changes.
Create a Moving Timeline and Tick Off Tasks Along the Way
Plan your move well in advance. Give yourself a three month minimum head start so that you can gradually check completed tasks of your list and keep yourself organized. The more time you allow for the move, the more prepared you’ll be. As much as you want every aspect of the move to go smoothly, there’s always something that’s bound to go wrong and it’s better to give yourself enough time to deal with unexpected situations instead of being stuck at the last minute.
Communicate with Your Team
Aside from proper planning and giving yourself ample time to pull off the move, communication is another important component of relocating your business. First of all, give your entire team advanced notice of the move so that they can make proper arrangements for their personal lives as well. Remember, this move will impact your employees’ commutes if they work from the office. Explain the reason for the relocation, what your plan is, what each person’s role will be to facilitate the move, and when the move-out/move-in date is so that they can prepare. Keep the lines of communication open throughout the move so that your employees can stay informed and ask questions as needed.
Organize and Pack All Your Office Equipment
Relocating is a pivotal time to showcase your leadership skills. Liaise with your staff and make sure you delegate tasks among them. If you run a large organization, then make sure that your department heads are delegating tasks amongst their employees as well. Provide them with lists of all company owned equipment including technology, office furniture, and more. That way, you can ensure that nothing of importance gets left behind and each employee will be responsible for packing up their own personal belongings.
Coordinate with Your Company’s IT Department
Work alongside your company’s IT department to plan out new network connections and make sure that all technological devices, cables, hard drives, and other equipment are safely packed away and stored throughout the duration of the move. You should also come up with a proper network connection blueprint so that they can work efficiently to get your system up and running at the new place in no time.
Make the Move and Settle In
Moving day will be a breeze as long as you follow all of the abovementioned tips and prepare for it to the best of your ability. Naturally, there are always certain unexpected situations that can arise—that’s inevitable. But, as long as you give yourself enough time to prepare in advance, then you can handle whatever happens during the move.
It might take a while for you and your employees to adjust to your new surroundings, but sometimes a little change can be a great thing for the growth and success of your business.
If you need to temporarily rent an executive office space in Mississauga or Ottawa, then contact Innovative Professional Offices today! We provide beautifully decorated fully furnished office suites for rent that are perfect for businesses of all sizes!